What makes it high quality?
Bizu’s ballerina shoes are made with the best leather products sourced from Florence, Italy. We’ve chosen Florence as our major source of leather given that this location is known around the world for the tradition and craftsmanship.
A city on the move, yet still deeply rooted in culture and tradition. There’s an endless supply of water for the leather tanning process, thanks to its proximity to the Arno River. Bizu is committed to making high quality shoes, on par with those produced by some of the top shoe brands worldwide.
Bizu’s ballerina shoes are made with the best leather products sourced from Florence, Italy. We’ve chosen Florence as our major source of leather given that this location is known around the world for the tradition and craftsmanship.
A city on the move, yet still deeply rooted in culture and tradition. There’s an endless supply of water for the leather tanning process, thanks to its proximity to the Arno River. Bizu is committed to making high quality shoes, on par with those produced by some of the top shoe brands worldwide.